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Showing posts from September, 2019

10 Ways to Stay Motivated

     Motivation is a powerful thing. It makes you feel like you can tackle any and everything. Sometimes its at a all time high, but it can also reach the ultimate low.  Everyone gets to a point in their lives where they lack motivation. We have our rough patches where we become to feel useless, less determination, and unsure of our next move.       It's important to look at your life as a whole and find the things that truly make you happy. At these moments, I've learned 10 things that helps me stay motivated and determined. I've listed them below. Give them a try to see if they'll help you regain your peace. 1. Wake up grateful every morning 2. Start each morning off with positive affirmations 3. Write down your goals and to dos. It's important to know and understand why you set your goals.  4. Surround yourself with positivity.  5. Know that everything does not happen over night.  6. Every accomplishment little or big deserves celebr