My absolute favorite holiday is just less than a week away. The day of LOVE......Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day is the day we express our love and appreciation for our love ones by showering them with gifts. Who doesn't want to make the day of their special someone wonderful and memorable?!
Giving the man you love special gifts, brings so much joy. But deciding on what exactly to get him can be rather complicated. Buying for a man that NEVER give suggestions or say what he needs, can be a complete nightmare.
Whether you're staying home for a night in, or planning a weekend away, decorate with assortments of balloons, roses, rose petals, and valentine decor.

Start off his day with mirror notes in the bathroom. Have him overwhelmed and smiling first thing in the morning with the funny and weird moments of your relationship.

The best gift to give the man you love, is buying him something that he wouldn't buy himself. Replace something that he has been meaning to replace and hasn't. Buy something that he has been wanting and talking about for a while. Listed below is a gift guide I find very cute and thoughtful. You may find a few things to shower him with this Valentine's Day.
-Gift basket with his favorite toiletries

-Fave shoes for gym
-Basket/Bag filled with workout gear
-Embroidered Initial Fleece Robe
-Bouquet/basket of his favorite drinks and snacks

-Car Care Gift Basket

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