July 30, 2021
Today is my birthday! I am now 42 years old! And yessssssss...... I am a Leo Queen!!! You know we Leos are extra. Every year I try to do it big. What can I say??!! I enjoy life and I love celebrating my born day with close family and friends. I'm getting older, and I must say that I'm okay with it. I'm aging gracefully.
In my Aaliyah's voice, "Age ain't nothing but a number." Society sets these expectations of what we're suppose to feel and have by a certain age. And quite frankly, I think it's a bunch of bull. I feel every bit of 30. I know I'm not where I truly want to be right now, but I know in due time its mine. I'll continue to work hard. I'm on my own schedule. I wont pressure myself to feel like by this day and age, everything should be perfect and in order. There is no time limit on the things that I want to achieve. My life gets better daily. Each day I become older and wiser. I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, my kids are happy and healthy, I have an amazing man/best-friend, I work a full time job, and I'm a part-time blogger. Life is good!
Today I reflect on all of my life experiences and the stages that I've gone through. It's amazing how far I've come. Every single thing that was done, got me where I am right now, and I'm loving it. I wouldn't change anything. I'm more confident now than I've ever been. I made the choice years ago to never fit into anyone's box. I am me and only me! I would never conform to what others may want me to be.
I have some pretty amazing family and friends that has been riding shot gun with me through this life of mine.. They have supported me through everything. Words can not describe how grateful I am to have them in my life. Although I must say ladies, I need more ladies night out and brunches in this next chapter......OKAY!!! I know I have some fault in this with my busy schedule and all, but this year the time will be set aside.
I'm so excited to share this next chapter with you. Thank you for giving me the best birthday gift ever!! Your love and support means the world to me. I am forever grateful!
With Love Always,
Dana Capri
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