Its easy to hold on to grudges after someone has truly hurt or wronged you in any fashion. But the resentment we have for those individuals, does more harm to us than good. Holding resentment bounds us to the person or condition. It becomes toxic to our inner peace, and actually holds us back from receiving our blessings. Holding on to a grudge makes us bitter and causes much unwanted stress. What do we truly gain from it??? NOTHING!!
FORGIVE AND FORGET!!! Forgiving them doesn't mean you trust them. Forgiving is giving you the opportunity of actually moving on with your life. The power of forgiving sets you free. Forgiving acknowledges your faith IN HIS PLAN.
Grudges are a waste of our precious time.
Laugh when you can,
apologize when needed,
and let go of the things out of your control.
"To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it."- Confucius"
Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies."- Nelson Mandela
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