Some may say money is the key to true happiness. I say my true happiness comes from my family and friends. Quality time with your love ones is a true investment. Although being alone is my favorite thing to do for inspiration and sanity, being among my family and friends is just as important.
Sometimes in life, we're too busy to just stop and smell the roses. Giving yourself a break from work, chores, and home sometimes is a task in itself. My family and friends are my life. They are the key to my true happiness. I try to fit in time with everyone, but sometimes life has me extremely busy. Being a single mother of two, I feel as tho there isn't enough time in a day to get things done. So a lot of my back and forth and household chores are done on the weekends. By the time I'm actually done with everything, I'm too tired to do anything else. So lately, I haven't been able to fit in that needed time with the people I love. However, last week, I took a different approach. All household chores were done thru out the week to give me some much needed time to catch up with my family and friends last weekend.
Spending time with friends is the first thing that goes as we get older and more involved with kids and our jobs. Time with friends melts away all cares and stress we encounter in the world. Carving out time with friends must be scheduled out. Make that time that is needed for it.
Friday I had the chance to catch up with a close friend of mine for her birthday celebration. I couldn't remember the last time we actually had time together, so I made it my mission to go out and celebrate with her. We all met up at a new bar in Columbia called ONE 10. The bar's atmosphere was so relaxed and chill. Good food, drinks, laughs, and music always equals a GOOD TIME. After a long stressful week at work, being out with my girlfriends is what I truly needed to relax and wash away all the stress and worries from the past few days.
Saturday afternoon I dedicated to my family. My Dad and brother just purchased a brand new boat. So the family and I decided to pack up food and drinks, and drove up to Wateree Lake for a day of fun in the sun. What a wonderful experience!! Cruising the water was so relaxing and beautiful, and the weather was GREAT! Seeing the joy over my kids faces was priceless.

Start taking the time out that's needed to spend quality time with the people you love. Start creating MORE memorable experiences. Don't just wait for "special occasions" to get together. Dedicate a girls night or a family night out at least once a month. Or have family and friends over for a fun night in. Good friends and family is essential to a happier lifestyle.
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